
E.Mails and evidence

Chaggar family feel Anandeep was mind played into sending the video of himself masturbating; he would never have done it if he hadn't been "allured". I will be posting some emails dis-crediting this claim. 2005 email Anandeep asks for nude pics from a woman he met in chat. 2005 sex chat logs he encourages a female to talk dirty with. 2006 and 2007 emails he has written and acknowledged he forced women to speak in an obscene manner to him for sexual purposes. I also have chat log from 8/2007 where Anandeep asks a girl if she shaves her vagina.

All of these emails are handed over by the victims. Will post soon, have to edit their email addresses so they do not get hacked.


  1. This is a sick individual. What man talks this way to his gf, fiance, or online unless their minds are sick? His parents lost all control of him and ought to be ashamed. No man who was brought up the right way speaks in this manner to woman of any kind. "Though I have jerked off to many girls?" WHO WRITES LANGUAGE LIKE THIS ONE?

  2. Thats why he has been busted Navjeet and they are pursing the issue. I think we are all praying for the best outcome with this and for the relief of the victims
