
Waiting for the updates

We are waiting for phone call from Mr. Mataru from High Court. His call was returned and information was discussed, to which he was waiting til Monday to find out all the matters and report back. Just bare with us on this.

The Punjab Kesari has been landed again, will post details as soon as we have them.

And thankfully Sonia got a job and isn't frequenting the blog any longer. Taking care of her husband and baby must not have been a priority to stay off the blog and let her brother, Anandeep, who is the culprit do things himself. Now finally she is working and it seems to keep her away from here and posting her comments but not responding to others when our readers question her. Also, Kiran returned to work from months off of having her daughter.

Now you can also visit the culprit's profile on Facebook. We have been given the link. Apparently he re-joined sometime back after he thought the DSP had handled things in his favour. He deleted his account on Facebook and Orkut right before the news hit the Punjab Kesari of his obscene acts. http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=100000605747721&ref=ts

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